= 1.5.5 = * Fixed the logic for the high_priority parameter * Fixed js bug causing a conflict with NextGen * Fixed bug preventing users to install and upgrade Types when they didn't have a Toolset subscription * Fixed bug preventing users to upgrade from the embedded Types to the full version = 1.5.4 = * Option to disable auto-updates * Escaped urls generated with add_query_arg = 1.5.3 = * Fixed bug in WP_Installer::custom_plugins_api_call (filter for plugins_api) causing conflicts with other filters for plugins_api = 1.5.2 = * More meaningful errors when plugin downloads fail * WordPress 4.2 compatibility * Performance improvements (will not load in places where it's not needed and not make unnecessary requests to the CDN) * Support putting deps.xml config file in the theme folder (root) * Included code for importing data for toolset plugins * Use CloudFront urls for products list files = 1.5.1 = * Fix for allowing embedded plugins to be updated * Logic for the migration from embedded plugins to full plugins = 1.5 = * Support for embedded plugins * Bug fix: When user registers site key with trailing slash, downloads might not work * Tweak: Set a higher timeout limit for the http requests to CDN and API * API function: link to specific repository * API function: get product price * New method for defining affiliate info (with backwards compatibility) = 1.4 = * Show explicit error in case of connectivity issues while validating a key. * Bug fix: Downloading plugins in bulk was broken by plugin that had a redirect after activation * Display friendly error message when WordPress does not have permissions to write to the plugins folder * Added support for configuration files to auto-download required plugins and theme keys * Changed the "Update this info" button to "Check for updates" (it refreshes the subscription info and checks for updates) * Support for high_priority parameter that allows setting priority for an Installer instance when more with the same version number exist. * Config files from different instances are combined (define repositories in different instances) * Updated support for conditional updates display for ICL users * More friendly error reporting and handling when using an invalid site key or the plugins archives are not valid. = 1.3.1 = * Support for conditional release notification (ICanLocalize) = 1.3 = * Added a new repository: Toolset * The product packages can be displayed hierarchically and ordered * The link to automatically create site keys will follow through login on the account site (e.g. wpml.org, wp-types.com) * Fixed animation issues (not showing in most browsers) when downloading plugins. * Created an admin screen on the repository end (icl-mpp) to sho registration stats (site keys, site keys usage, components usage etc..). * Bug fix: Renew and Upgrade buttons were not entirely clickable * Bug fix: Action buttons (buy, renew, upgrade) were not displayed correctly when WPML was not active (Installer embedded in theme) * Support for site-wide registration. Products can be registered on the network instead of on each site separately. * Users are able to add either http or https version for any site urls. There will be one site key that will work with both http and https versions. = 1.2 = * Added pagination for site keys list of Account -> My Sites * Reversed the order in which the site keys are displayed. * Fixed problem with WPML registration information (site key) not being saved when the option_value field in the wp_options table used a different charset than the default WordPress charset defined in wp-config.php * Allow registering new sites by clicking a link in the WordPress admin instead of copying and pasting the site url in the Account -> My Sites section * Display more detailed debug information related to connectivity issues with the WPML repository